In recent years I have received a growing number of unsolicited spam emails sent to my academic email addresses advertising what purport to be academic ‘journals’ or ‘conferences’. These spams are not just extremely annoying, but are illegal in many jurisdictions.
Some of these spams appear to promote legitimate journals or conferences, but sadly using illegal spamming. But most appear to me to be for journals or conference of extremely dubious academic merit, and they seem just to be money making schemes. Others have labelled many ‘journals’/‘conferences’ that are pushed by such spams as being ‘predatory’, e.g. see Wikipedia for predatory journals or conferences.
Here is my log of all such spams sent to me in the first six months of 2017 (coloured for ‘journals’ and ‘conferences’). Well, not quite ‘all’, I don't enumerate individually ‘collateral spam’, see below.
I had intended to keep this going for the whole year, but given the
numbers of such spams (more than 1 a day), I've decided to stop after
six months, as I have better things to do with my time. But, on the
basis of these six months, I thought I'd award some prizes
Note: this is just a log of ‘journal’/‘conference’ spams. It does not include other spams sent to my academic email addresses trying to sell me microscopes or chemicals or other equipment for my research, or selling article writing/editing services, or sending me alternative theories of the Universe. Currently the ‘journal’/‘conference’ spams seem to dominate the other ‘academic’ spams, although they are only a fraction of all the many spams I am sent.
Total number of ‘journal’/‘conference’ spams sent to me in the first half of 2017 is 221.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | |
Total spams: | 33 | 31 | 47 | 21 | 49 | 40 |
Journal spams: | 23 | 9 | 31 | 11 | 28 | 26 |
Conference spams: | 10 | 22 | 16 | 10 | 21 | 14 |
I the second half of the year I get many more spams (mostly from the same spammers as in the first half of the year). I don't list the spams individually, but by month, the numbers are:
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
Total spams: | 41 | 34 | 29 | 28 | 21 | 14 |
So that is a grand total of 388 spams in the 2017!
Although I've given up trying to keep track of these ‘journal’ and ‘conference’ spams in detail, for subsequent years the total numbers of these spams are:
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Total spams: | 299 | 315 | 139 | 178 | 234 | 199 |
The dip in 2020 is no doubt due to coronavirus, which unfortunately did not put these ‘conference’ and ‘journal’ spammers out of business, as the numbers have risen in recent years.
The 2023 numbers are from Jan to the start of Dec only. In Dec my academic email was routed through the Univerities central email server, which is outlook, rather than via a local mail server. After this the ‘conference’ and ‘journal’ spams continue, but working with outlook is not at all efficient, so I can no longer keep track of the numbers efficiently.
1 | Date: 2017 Jan 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference
Innovative Approach in Applied Physical, Mathematical/Statistical,
Chemical Sciences and Emerging Energy Technology for
Sustainable Development (APMSCSET-2017)
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: Krishi Sanskriti
Location: India |
Comments: the first spam of the year from this organisation, who have sent me many similar unsolicited spams in recent years for conferences hosted at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Complaint sent to google. Not that I expect anything to happen, given that in the past I've had no reply from them about my previous complaints about spams from Krishi Sanskrit via google, and this abuse continues. |
2 | Date: 2017 Jan 4 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Advances in Clinical Toxicology
Subject area: medical website: |
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Location: USA |
Comments: a bizarre spam inviting me to be an Editorial Board member for a ‘journal’ on a subject I have absolutely no expertise in at all. This is a follow up to a previous spam invitation sent at the end of 2016. The first invitation was to be a ‘Righteous Editor’, whereas this one was to be an ‘Honorable Editor’... I'm not sure whether ‘Righteous’ > ‘Honorable’ or not? Complaint sent to Inmotionhosting. I'd already complained to them about the illegal spam sent to me at the end of 2016, but that did not put a stop to the abuse of spam from this ‘journal’. This time I got a prompt reply saying ‘we have investigated and resolved the issue concerning your complaint’, so I will wait and see if spamming from this source has been stopped. Update: I do get further spam from Medwin Publishers (see also #85, #116). |
3 | Date: 2017 Jan 5 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management,
International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,
International Journal of Marketing and Management Research,
Econspeak: a Journal of Advances in Management IT and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences
Subject area: various websites: also: |
Publisher: Sri Krishna International Research and
Educational Consortium (SKIREC) via a Green Earth Research Network (GERN) email Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from this publisher, who sent me many similar spams in 2016. This includes the incoherent solicitation ‘With pleasure to introduce SKIREC is one of the registered firm for publication of Research Papers…’ Complaint sent to google. I've already complained to them many times in 2016 about similar illegal spam sent to me from various addresses via google groups mailing lists. But still this abuse continues. Later I get many other spams from addresses via google groups mailing lists, sometimes for SKIREC ‘journals’, sometimes for other sets of ‘journals’ (see #91, #92, #93, #94, #95, #96, #101, #102, #103, #104, #126, #127, #128, #129, #137, #138, #153, #154, #155, #155, #168, #169, #170, #171, #172, #173, #186, #187, #188, #189, #190, #191, #197, #198, #199, #200, #201, #202, #207, #208, #209, #210, #211, #212). |
4 | Date: 2017 Jan 5 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Invention Journal of Research Technology in
Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)
Subject area: engineering and management websites: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: I think this is a new spammer. I've seen a lot of spam for various ‘International Journal of...’s, but this is a new one on me, ‘Invention Journal of...’! This comes from the Editor-in-Chief, who is nameless in the spam. Complaint sent to Microsoft. Update Jan 6th: positive response from Microsoft, that ‘We checked into it and found that it violated the Microsoft Services Agreement ... The email account has been suspended.’ However, I get another spam later for this journal (see #60, #71), again send via Microsoft. |
5 | Date: 2017 Jan 6 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies
Subject area: engineering website: |
Organiser: Vimal Jyothi Engineering College/IEEE
Location: India |
Comments: another spam conference email, this one sponsored by IEEE. Complaint sent to google. |
6 | Date: 2017 Jan 7 | From:
Via: |
7 | Date: 2017 Jan 7 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Advanced Engineering,
Management and Science (IJAEMS),
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Subject area: various website:, |
Publisher: Infogain Publication
Location: India |
Comments: spams sent from a nameless ‘Editor in Chief’ for these two ‘journal’s. Bizarrely this spam, and the websites, associate these two ‘journal’s with a ‘Thomson Reuters ResearcherID’ -- such IDs are for individual researchers, not journals. See also #107, #108, #109, #177. Complaint sent to secureserver. |
8 | Date: 2017 Jan 7 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
Journal of Software Engineering and Simulation;
Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering;
Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
Journal of Research Mechanical Engineering;
Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science;
Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science;
Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science;
Journal of Research in Business and Management;
Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences;
Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research;
Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Quest Journals Inc.
Location: India |
Comments: spam from a publisher who has spammed me before. The email uses redirection URLs, not their actual website, and comes from a nameless ‘Editorial Board’. The website does not provide a specific address. The whois for this domain shows it is India, for one Chetan Sharma, which makes sense given the payment webpage, which has an option for Indian authors, in Rupees, and another option for other countries. Others have provided a list of many other journals they say Chetan Sharma is responsible for (see also #11, #12, #25). The homepage for this publisher has the amazing claim that ‘Quest Journals are focused on quick & fast high-level peer review process on behalf of some of the world’s most prestigious societies for over a century.' Wow, over a century is quite a claim. And for which ‘prestigious societies’? Complaint sent to google. |
9 | Date: 2017 Jan 9 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical
Research (JAPLR)
Subject area: medical website: |
Publisher: MedCrave
Location: USA (?) |
Comments: spam from a medical publisher who claims to be based in the US (although others have suggested it is actually based in India). Complaint sent to secureserver. |
10 | Date: 2017 Jan 9 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): European Journal of Advances in Engineering
and Technology (EJAET)
Subject area: engineering and technology website: |
Publisher: EJAET
Location: India |
Comments: this is, I think, the first spam I've had for this particular ‘journal’. Although it is entitled ‘European Journal’... it is actually based in India! Complaint sent to google. |
11 | Date: 2017 Jan 11 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE);
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE);
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science (IOSR-JPBS);
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS);
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE);
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE);
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS);
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS);
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP);
IOSR Journal on Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA);
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE);
IOSR Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering (IOSR-JPTE);
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS);
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME);
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG);
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology;
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM);
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM);
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP);
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC);
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF);
IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Organization of Scientific
Research (IOSR)
Location: India |
Comments: I've had many spams previously from these ‘journal’s (from ISOR, ‘International Organization of Scientific Research’), but this is the first of the year (see also #61, #90, #110). This one from a nameless ‘Director General’. According to whois for the website, Chetan Sharma is also responsible for these dodgy ‘journal’s (see #8). Complaint sent to google. |
12 | Date: 2017 Jan 14 | From:
Via: |
13 | Date: 2017 Jan 14 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Physics and Astronomy (IJPA)
Subject area: physics and astronomy website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: first of the year from these spammers, who sent several spams to me in 2016 for this ‘journal’ (all from various addresses). These pair of spams is for a ‘journal’ that is published by the ‘American Research Institute for Policy Development’ (ARIPD). Curiously its website domain,, is registered in the name of Mainul Islam in Bangladesh (as is the ‘journal’ domain). Doesn't look very ‘American’ to me! On the website for this ‘journal’, the ‘Current Issue’ is from 2015 (Volume 3, Issue 2), with just 4 papers. The only other issue from 2015 has just 2 papers. Nothing from 2016. This publisher has published an obviously fake/joke paper. The title of paper is ‘Robots No Longer Considered Harmful’, by ‘I.P. Freely, Oliver Clothesoff, Jacques Strap, Hugh Jazz and Amanda Huginkiss’! The full paper (in .pdf, with terrible formatting with random hyphens in the middle of lines, unembedded non-standard fonts, incoherent references), is available on the website. See also #13, #26, #27, #72, #73, #74, #75, #133, #134, #149, #150. Complaint sent to yahoo, not that I expect this will put a stop to this abuse, since I complained to yahoo in 2016 about previous spams for this ‘journal’. |
14 | Date: 2017 Jan 17 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
Subject area: nano website: |
Publisher: Clyto Access Inc.
Location: India and USA |
Comments: a new ‘journal’ spammer for me, as I don't think I've got an spam from this publisher before. The spam is advertising a new ‘journal’, with a publication fee of just US$99... whereas the usual publication fee for a research article is US$699. Wow! Complaint sent to google. |
15 | Date: 2017 Jan 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention (IJPSI)
Subject area: pharmaceutical website: |
Publisher: Chetan Sharma
Location: India |
Comments: another email from a nameless Editor-in-Chief. From whois for the website domain, this is another ‘journal’ published by Chetan Sharma (see also #8). Complaint sent to google. |
16 | Date: 2017 Jan 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: spam for multiple ‘journals’ published by AARF ‘Associated with Green Earth Research Network, USA & Swedish Scientific Publications, Sweden’. I've had many spams from AARF in recent years. See also #31, #40, #41, #51, #67, #123, #124, #181, #194, #213, #218. This spam states that authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers within 3 days. Wow! Complaint sent to google. |
17 | Date: 2017 Jan 20 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Research and Applications (IJPRA)
Subject area: pharmaceutical website: |
Publisher: not clear
Location: India |
Comments: I think this is the first spam I've had from this particular ‘journal’ (but see #23, #54 for a subsequent ones). Bizarrely, although most of the URLs in the spam point to, one is to, which is a different ‘journal’... namely ‘International Journal of Precious Engineering Research and Applications (IJPERA)’. Precious! Not at all clear who publishes this, as neither the spam nor the ‘journal’ website give details, and the domain registration obscures the owner's details. Complaint sent to google. |
18 | Date: 2017 Jan 20 | From:
Via: |
Conferenced name: Global Biotechnology Congress 2017
Subject area: biotechnology website: |
Organiser: Eureka Conferences
Location: USA |
Comments: I think this is the first spam I've had from these conference organisers... in a subject area I have absolutely no expertise! Complaint sent to, as the spam was sent from an IP address in Pakistan. |
19 | Date: 2017 Jan 22 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: various
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: International Scientific Events
Location: Bulgaria |
Comments: a spam email advertising several conferences in a range of areas. This spam even includes the text ‘This message is unsolicited commercial communication’! Complaint sent to, as the spam was sent from one of their IP addresses. |
20 | Date: 2017 Jan 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 4th International Conference on Medical
Physics and Biophysics
Subject area: Medical Physics and Biophysics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: first spam of the year from Conference Series, who are part of the OMICS group (the whois entry for list the ‘Admin Organization’ as ‘OMICS International’, for which an email of is given). OMICS have, in recent years, sent me many spams for their ‘journals’ and ‘conferences’. See also #22, #39, #42, #46, #47, #48, #56, #63, #64, #87, #88, #89, #111, #125, #157, #174, #175, #176, #196, #216, #220, #221. I note that OMICs Group Inc. (and Conference
Series LLC) were
in 2016 by the US Federal Trade Commission for deceptive practices.
And also see #148 for ‘journal’ spam from OMICS. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
21 | Date: 2017 Jan 25 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Modern Physics A
Subject area: Physics website: |
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Location: Singapore |
Comments: I used to get lots of spam from these publishers, although not last year. Now they are back to spamming me. Complaint sent to, as this spam was sent from one of their IP addresses. |
22 | Date: 2017 Jan 25 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 2nd International Conference on Physics
Subject area: Physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another conference spam from Conference Series (OMICS), see also #20 and others. Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
23 | Date: 2017 Jan 26 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Research and Applications (IJPRA)
Subject area: pharmaceutical website: |
Publisher: not clear
Location: India |
Comments: a spam similar to #17, including the same bizarre link to the ‘International Journal of Precious Engineering Research and Applications (IJPERA)’! Another complaint sent to google, not that my previous complaint put a stop to the illegal spam from this ‘journal’. |
24 | Date: 2017 Jan 26 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Emerging Trends in
Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE)
Subject area: electronics website: |
Publisher: Siva Ganesh Malla
Location: India |
Comments: first spam I've had this year for this ‘journal’, although I had many spams from them in the last year or more. The spam uses in the spam, not that actual website address for the ‘journal’. The website is registered to Siva Ganesh Malla, and the (Indian) telephone number on the website is used for several other ‘journal’s. Complaint sent to google. |
25 | Date: 2017 Jan 27 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Engineering
Inventions (IJEI)
Subject area: engineering website: |
Publisher: Chetan Sharma
Location: India |
Comments: first spam from this particular ‘journal’. The spam, as is often the case, is from a nameless Editor-in-Chief. The ‘journal’ website has a contact form page, but does not give any specific contact details. The website domain is another one registered to Chetan Sharma (see #8). Complaint sent to google. |
26 | Date: 2017 Jan 29 | From:
Via: |
27 | Date: 2017 Jan 29 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Journal of Natural Sciences
Subject area: science website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: a pair of spams for another ‘journal’ from the so called ‘American Research Institute for Policy Development’ (ARIPD), which actually is in Bangladesh given the journal website registration. See also #12 (and others). Complaint sent to yahoo, not that my previous complaints to them have put a stop to the spams from ARIPD. |
28 | Date: 2017 Jan 29 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: various
Subject area: various websites: |
Organiser: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors
Location: USA (claimed) |
Comments: first ‘conference’ spam this year from, who spammed me several times last year. This is for four 2-day unfocussed conferences on diverse topics scheduled at the same time. Bizarre! They must be short of takers for these ‘conferences’, since the deadline for submitting papers is 31st January… i.e. 2 days time from when the spam was sent. These conferences are organised by the ‘Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors’ (IRED). Its website ( says membership of IRED is free. Actually what they say is ‘The membership what you generally receive is free, This is to work …(yes, the comma in the first line is the punctuation they use). So that is all clear then, isn't it! The spam email does not given the full name anyone associated with these conferences (it is from ‘Stefania’). Moreover, the IRED website only gives a New York postal address and phone number, and an email to use, with nobody named as being any official of this ‘Institute’. I note that there is a company in the same building and same floor as the IRED postal address, who provide ‘virtual office services’. Also the details of who registered IRED's domain are obscured. So, who and where IRED are is not clear to me. The webpage in IRED ‘Membership Benefits’ webpage has terms and conditions which include this amazing statement: ‘If an IRED Official contacts you for any specific purpose/research activity you will have to reply within 48-96 hours.’otherwise your membership is cancelled. Wow, what a condition! All in all, not convincing as an ‘Institute’ to me! Oh, and do see their ‘Official Blog’, at … apparently this was hacked/defaced last October, which has not been fixed. Complaint sent to the Czech ISP from where the spam originated. |
29 | Date: 2017 Jan 29 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: III. International Turkish Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (TURCMOS2017)
Subject area: molecular spectroscopy website: |
Organiser: Leon Congress
Location: Turkey |
Comments: another conference spam. This one sent by mailjet. Complaint sent to mailjet. |
30 | Date: 2017 Jan 30 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Journal of Advances in Physics
Subject area: physics website: |
Publisher: Cirworld
Location: USA (claimed) |
Comments: first spam from this ‘journal’, I think. The ‘journal’ website has a USA postal address, but the ‘journal’ website domain is registered in India, as is that for Cirworld (i.e. who publish this and several other ‘journals’. Complaint sent to google. |
31 | Date: 2017 Jan 30 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from AARF (see #16). Yet another complaint sent to google, not that they seem to do anything at all to put a stop to these repeated spams. |
32 | Date: 2017 Jan 31 | From:
Via: |
33 | Date: 2017 Jan 31 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International
Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials 2017
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Citations International Conferences Group
Location: India (?) |
Comments: a pair of spams. This ‘conference’ spammer's website lists a Texas USA telephone number, but no postal address, nor the name of anyone. However, its domain is registered to someone in India. See also #37 and #38. Complaint sent to secureserver. |
34 | Date: 2017 Feb 1 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD2017)
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Applied Physics Division of the
Korean Physical Society
Location: Korea |
Comments: it is very disappointing that a national society resorts to spamming to advertise their conference. Complaint sent to Korean ISP from where the spam was sent. |
35 | Date: 2017 Feb 2 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Latest Technology
in Engineering & Management (IJLTEM)
Subject area: engineering and management website: |
Publisher: unclear
Location: India |
Comments: another new ‘journal’. This is from an unnamed ‘Executive Editor’. Complaint sent to mailjet. |
36 | Date: 2017 Feb 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference on Advanced
Education and Management Science (AEMS2017)
Subject area: education and management website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: it is unclear who organises this conference, since no one is named in the spam, on the website, which only has free email addresses and a Chinese telephone number. A web search shows this telephone has/is used for several other conferences. See also #219. Complaint sent to |
37 | Date: 2017 Feb 3 | From:
Via: |
38 | Date: 2017 Feb 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference on Nanotechnology
and Nanomaterials 2017
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Citations International Conferences Group
Location: India (?) |
Comments: another pair of spams for this ‘conference’. (See also #32, #33 and #38). Another complaint sent to secureserver. |
39 | Date: 2017 Feb 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on
General Practice & Primary Care
Subject area: medical website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 and others. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
40 | Date: 2017 Feb 4 | From:
Via: |
41 | Date: 2017 Feb 4 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: another pair of spams from AARF. See also #16 etc. Another complaint sent to google, not that previous complaints to them have had any affect, as AARF is still spamming me via google. |
42 | Date: 2017 Feb 7 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 7th International Conference and
Exhibition on Biopolymers and Bioplastics
Subject area: biopolymers and bioplastics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from Conference Series (OMICS). This is the first one I've seen for a ‘Conference and Exhibition’. See also #20 and others. Yet another complaint sent to microsoft. |
43 | Date: 2017 Feb 11 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd Global Conference on Applied
Computing in Science and Engineering
Subject area: computing and engineering website: and |
Organiser: ScienceKNOW Conferences
Location: Spain |
Comments: first spam I've had, I think, from ScienceKNOW. But not the last, see #120. Complaint sent to ISP where the spam came from. |
44 | Date: 2017 Feb 13 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Education and Research
Journal (IERJ)
Subject area: everything! website: |
Publisher: unclear
Location: India |
Comments: a new ‘journal’ spammer. Sent from an un-named Editor, but the website gives ‘Dr R. Joshi’ as the ‘Editor-in-Chief’. See also #118. The spam has the incoherent statement that ‘The perception of the journal is to bequeath with an academic podium to researchers across the global to publish their original, innovative, pragmatic and high-quality research work.’ Complaint sent to, from where the spam originated. |
45 | Date: 2017 Feb 13 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Condensed Matter Physics (ICECMP-2017)
Subject area: condensed matter website: |
Organiser: Scientific Federation
Location: India |
Comments: another new ‘conference’ spammer. They don't give any postal address, but the conference website has an Indian telephone contact number, and is registered in India. The website has a ‘Who We Are’ webpage, which doesn't actually say who they are at all, although it starts with the incoherent statement that: ‘We are exploring the research to the world through the world-class scientists’ See also #52, #98, #130, #167. Complaint sent to secureserver. |
46 | Date: 2017 Feb 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 3rd International Conference on Systems
and Synthetic Biology
Subject area: biology website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam for a ‘conferences’ organised by Conference Series (see also #20 and others). Complaint sent to microsoft. |
47 | Date: 2017 Feb 15 | From:
Via: |
48 | Date: 2017 Feb 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 16th World Nano Conference (Nano 2017)
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: a pair of spams for another ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (see also #20 and others). It says I am being invited ‘because of your eminence in the field of Nanotechnology’, which is a research field I have absolutely no expertise in at all! Another complaint sent to microsoft. |
49 | Date: 2017 Feb 17 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): many dozens (too many to list)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: STM Journals/Consortium E-Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Location: India |
Comments: I've had spam from these ‘journals’ last year, but this is the first of this year from them. Complaint sent to google. |
50 | Date: 2017 Feb 18 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Fifth Joint International Conference
Subject area: various (four different topics) website: |
Organiser: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors
Location: USA (claimed) |
Comments: another spam for a ‘conference’ organised by the ‘Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors’ (IRED). See also #28 Complaint sent to the Lithuanian ISP where this spam came from. |
51 | Date: 2017 Feb 18 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from AARF (see also #16 etc). Complaint sent to google, not that previous complaints to them have put a stop to spam from AARF. |
52 | Date: 2017 Feb 20 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Condensed Matter Physics (ICECMP-2017)
Subject area: condensed matter website: |
Organiser: Scientific Federation
Location: India |
Comments: another spam for this conference, see also #45. Another complaint sent to secureserver. |
53 | Date: 2017 Feb 22 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 5th Annual 2017 International Conference
on Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICMM2017)
Subject area: mechanics website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: rather incoherent invitation to this conference. Invites me to be a ‘Keynote Speaker’, for a subject area I have absolutely no expertise in, and to be a member of TPC, whatever that is. I later get a spam from a conference on a completely different topic, which again I have not expertise in, which has the same Chinese telephone contact number (see #147). Complaint sent to Chinese ISP where the spam came from. |
54 | Date: 2017 Feb 23 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Research and Applications (IJPRA)
Subject area: pharmacy website: |
Publisher: not clear
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam for this journal (see also #17). Another complaint sent to google. |
55 | Date: 2017 Feb 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Fifth Joint International Conference
Subject area: various websites: |
Organiser: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors
Location: USA (claimed) |
Comments: another spam for this ‘conference’. See also #28 and others. Complaint sent to Lithuanian ISP where the spam came from. |
56 | Date: 2017 Feb 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International
Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Subject area: astrophysics and particle physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India. |
Comments: yet another spam from Conference Series. See also #20 and others. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
57 | Date: 2017 Feb 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Nanotech-2017
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Madridge International Conferences
Location: USA |
Comments: first spam I've had this year from this ‘conference’ organiser, although I had several spams from them last year. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
58 | Date: 2017 Feb 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Scientific Events 2017
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: International Scientific Events
Location: Bulgaria |
Comments: the first spam of the year from these people, who have spammed my many times in previous years. Complaint sent to Bulgarian ISP where the spam came from. |
59 | Date: 2017 Feb 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Congress on Image and
Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
(CISP-BMEI 2017)
Subject area: biomedical website: |
Organiser: East China Normal University
Location: China |
Comments: spam for a ‘conference’ on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in. See also #115, #140, #185. Complaint sent to |
60 | Date: 2017 Feb 25 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Invention Journal of Research Technology in
Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)
Subject area: engineering and management website: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from this ‘journal’. Complaint sent to Microsoft. A prompt response from Microsoft, saying ‘We checked into it and found that it violated the Microsoft Services Agreement ... The email account has been suspended.’ That is what they said about the earlier spam I got for this (see #4), yet I still got this spam, from another address. |
61 | Date: 2017 Feb 27 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE);
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE);
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science (IOSR-JPBS);
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS);
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE);
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE);
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS);
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS);
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP);
IOSR Journal on Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA);
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE);
IOSR Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering (IOSR-JPTE);
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS);
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME);
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG);
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology;
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM);
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM);
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP);
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC);
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF);
IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Organization of Scientific
Research (IOSR)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from IOSR (see also #11). Another complaint sent to google. |
62 | Date: 2017 Feb 27 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: various
Subject area: various websites: |
Organiser: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors
Location: USA (claimed) |
Comments: another spam from IRED advertising four 2-day unfocussed conferences on diverse topics scheduled at the same time. See also #28, and others. Complaint sent to the Lithuanian ISP from where the spam originated. |
63 | Date: 2017 Feb 27 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 6th International Conference on
Subject area: photonics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from Conference Series. See #20, and many others. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
64 | Date: 2017 Feb 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 3rd International Conference and Expo
on Ceramics and Composite Materials
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another day, yet another spam from Conference Series for a new ‘conference’. See #20, and many others. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
65 | Date: 2017 Mar 1 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Current Research
in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: a new, incoherently entitled, ‘journal’. The spam says review reports will be provided within 3 days of paper submission. Wow! See also #86. The spam comes from a nameless editorial board, but the website names Prasanjay Kumar as the Executive Editor, who is responsible for other spams for another ‘journal’ (see #4, and #60 from just a few days ago). Another complaint sent to Microsoft. Again I'm told the account has been suspended. |
66 | Date: 2017 Mar 2 | From:
Via: |
67 | Date: 2017 Mar 2 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: more spams from AARF. See also #16, etc. Complaint sent to google. |
68 | Date: 2017 Mar 2 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 14th International Conference on
Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (Nanomaterials 2017)
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (see also #20 and many others). Another complaint sent to microsoft. |
69 | Date: 2017 Mar 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 3rd International Turkish Congress on
Molecular Spectroscopy (TURCMOS2017)
Subject area: molecular spectroscopy website: |
Organiser: Leon Congress
Location: Turkey |
Comments: another spam for this ‘congress’ (see also #29). This one sent from sendgrid rather than mailjet. Complaint sent to sendgrid. |
70 | Date: 2017 Mar 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 14th International Conference on
Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (Nanomaterials 2017)
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another day, another spam for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (see also #20 and many others). Basically the same as #68, sent to me the day before, sent to same email address. Yet another complaint sent to microsoft. |
71 | Date: 2017 Mar 4 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Invention Journal of Research Technology in
Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)
Subject area: engineering and management websites: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from this ‘journal’. See also #4, and others. Another complaint sent to Microsoft. Previous complaints have always had a positive response that ‘We checked into it and found that it violated the Microsoft Services Agreement ... The email account has been suspended.’ However, this abuse continues from different outlook or hotmail addresses. |
72 | Date: 2017 Mar 5 | From:
Via: |
73 | Date: 2017 Mar 5 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Physics and Astronomy (IJPA)
Subject area: physics and astronomy website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: more spams for this ‘journal’ from ARIPD. See also #12 and others. Another complaint sent to yahoo. |
74 | Date: 2017 Mar 7 | From:
Via: |
75 | Date: 2017 Mar 7 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Medicine and
Subject area: medicine and pharmacy website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: two more spams from an old spammer (ARIPD, see #12 and many others), but this time for a new ‘journal’. Complaint sent to yahoo. |
76 | Date: 2017 Mar 7 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 26th International Conference on
Metallurgy and Materials
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Tanger Ltd
Location: Czech Republic |
Comments: another ‘conference’ spam. It appears to be organised by a company, Tanger Ltd, who are on the contact page on the website. See also #114, #122. Complaint sent to Czech ISP where the spam came from. |
77 | Date: 2017 Mar 8 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Invention Journal of Research Technology in
Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)
Subject area: engineering and management websites: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from this journal (see also #4 and others). Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
78 | Date: 2017 Mar 9 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Multidisciplinary
Scientific GeoConferences SGEM
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: SGEM World Science
Location: Bulgaria |
Comments: a new ‘conference’ spammer, based in Bulgaria. Complaint sent to, from where the spam was sent. |
79 | Date: 2017 Mar 10 | From:
Via: |
80 | Date: 2017 Mar 10 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics,
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in IT and Management,
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing,
International Journal of Research in commerce, IT, Engineering and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Commerce and Low,
International Journal of Physical and Applied Science,
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering,
International Journal of Marketing and Technology,
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research
Subject area: various website:, |
Publisher: Euro Asia Research and Development Association
(EARDA)/International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research
Academy (IJMRA)
Location: India |
Comments: two spams from a new ‘journal’ spammer. Yes, one of the journals named in the spam is given as ‘International Journal of Commerce and Low’! They have a bizarre collection of journals: ‘… of Physical and Social Sciences’, two topics that do not go together; ‘… of Engineering, Science and Mathematics’ which covers a lot, but does not stop them having other engineering, science and mathematics journals. As I said, bizarre! The spam contains links to both and The former website contact page gives a gmail address, and lists postal addresses in various countries (including one not in Europe or Asia!). The only given telephone help line number is Indian. The latter website does not have any specific contact details, again only a gmail address. But the domain is registered in India. Hence I've concluded this is from India. See also #3. Complaint sent to google. |
81 | Date: 2017 Mar 10 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: XXXIV European Congress on Molecular
Spectroscopy (EUCMOS 2018)
Subject area: molecular spectroscopy website: |
Organiser: R. Fausto
Location: Portugal |
Comments: yet another unsolicited spam for conference on a topic I have absolutely not expertise in. Complaint sent to Portuguese academic network. |
82 | Date: 2017 Mar 11 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2017 International Conference on Energy,
Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD2017)
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: another ‘conference’ spam. No exactly clear who is organising this, but it was sent from a Chinese free email account, and the website is registered in China. I subsequently get another spam for a different conference, which uses the same Chinese telephone number as a contact; see #147. Complaint sent to |
83 | Date: 2017 Mar 11 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Advances in Astrophysics
Subject area: astrophysics website: |
Publisher: Isaac Scientific Publishing
Location: Hong Kong |
Comments: first spam this year from ‘Isaac Scientific Publishing’, who have spammed me several times in recent years. See also #119, #160. Complaint sent to, the ISP where the spam came from. |
84 | Date: 2017 Mar 12 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics,
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in IT and Management,
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing,
International Journal of Research in commerce, IT, Engineering and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Commerce and Low,
International Journal of Physical and Applied Science,
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering,
International Journal of Marketing and Technology,
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research
Subject area: various website:, |
Publisher: Euro Asia Research and Development Association
(EARDA)/International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research
Academy (IJMRA)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from this ‘journal’ spammer, from a different email address, but still via google. See also #79 etc. This spam still lists one of their ‘journals’ as ‘… of Commerce and Low’! Another complaint sent to google. |
85 | Date: 2017 Mar 16 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Physical Science & Biophysics Journal (PSBJ)
Subject area: physical science website: |
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Location: USA |
Comments: another spam from Medwin Publishers (see #2). Another complaint sent to Inmotionhosting. |
86 | Date: 2017 Mar 16 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Current Research
in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Prof. Prasanjay Kumar (Executive Editor)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from this ‘journal’ (see also #65). Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
87 | Date: 2017 Mar 16 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International
Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics
Subject area: fluid dynamics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 etc. For a change the conference website is on, rather than, but the website says it is ‘Conference Series’. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
88 | Date: 2017 Mar 16 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on Physics
Subject area: physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: a second spam in the day for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 etc. Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
89 | Date: 2017 Mar 17 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference on Atomic and
Nuclear Physics
Subject area: physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam email from Conference Series, the fourth this week. See also #20, and many others. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft, not that previous complaints to them have put a stop to the repeated spamming from Conference Series. |
90 | Date: 2017 Mar 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE);
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE);
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science (IOSR-JPBS);
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS);
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE);
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE);
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS);
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS);
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP);
IOSR Journal on Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA);
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE);
IOSR Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering (IOSR-JPTE);
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS);
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME);
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG);
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology;
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM);
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM);
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP);
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC);
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF);
IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Organization of Scientific
Research (IOSR)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from IOSR for their ‘journals’. See also #11, etc. Complaint sent to google. |
91 | Date: 2017 Mar 19 | From:
Via: |
92 | Date: 2017 Mar 19 | From:
Via: |
93 | Date: 2017 Mar 19 | From:
Via: |
94 | Date: 2017 Mar 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal in Management and
Social Science (IJMSS),
International Journal in IT and Engineering (IJITE),
International Journal in Physical & Applied Sciences (IJPAS),
International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences (IJCISS),
International Research Journal of Commerce and Law (IRJCL),
Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics (IJMI),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences,
International Journal of research in IT and Management,
International Journal of research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Journal of Mathematics and Systems Sciences
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional
Research (IJMR)
Location India |
Comments: four similar spams sent to me today from various addresses, all via google, for IJMR. Previously spams from addresses had been for another set of ‘journals’ (see #3). See also #183, #184. Complaint sent to google. |
95 | Date: 2017 Mar 20 | From:
Via: |
96 | Date: 2017 Mar 20 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: another pair of spams from IJMRA, this time from a ‘Green Earth Research Network’ (see email address (see also #3, #16), rather than from the ‘Euro Asia Research and Development Association’ as previously (see #79 etc). This spam has a rather different list of ‘journals’ than the previous spams from IJMRA. For example, the ‘Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics’ is no longer listed… although a ‘journal’ with this title was also listed as a ‘journal’ in spams from ‘International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional Research’ (IJMR) (see #91). Complaint sent to google. |
97 | Date: 2017 Mar 20 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Mechanics, Materials Science &
Engineering Journal
Subject area: materials website: |
Publisher: Magnolithe GmbH
Location: Austria |
Comments: I think this is the first spam I've had for this ‘journal’… but not the last, see also #159. Complaint sent to the Romanian ISP where the spam came from. |
98 | Date: 2017 Mar 21 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: World Congress on Laser Optics &
Photonics (Optics-2017)
Subject area: optics website: |
Organiser: Scientific Federation
Location: India |
Comments: another ‘conference’ spam from Scientific Federation (see #45, etc). Complaint sent to Indian ISP from where the spam was sent. Quickly I get a response saying ‘your request has been resolved’, but with no detail of what this actually means. So, I sent them another email asking what exactly they had done to resolve my complaint about illegal spam being sent to me. |
99 | Date: 2017 Mar 21 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Global Conference on Nanotechnology
& Materials Science
Subject area: nano/materials website: |
Organiser: Scient Global Conferences
Location: Canada (claimed)/India(?) |
Comments: I think this is a new ‘conference’ spammer. Their website, gives a Canadian (residential?) postal address, but the domain is actually registered in India. Also registered in India is which is used from some of the email contact addresses on the conference website. So, where these spammers are actually based is not clear to me. Complaint sent to sendgrid. |
100 | Date: 2017 Mar 22 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 12th International Conference on the
Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Tanger Ltd/Technical University of Košice
Location: Czech Republic |
Comments: a new ‘conference’ spam, although this seems to be organised by Tanger Ltd, who have sent me others spams, see #76 Complaint sent to the Czech ISP from where the spam was sent. |
101 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
102 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
103 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
104 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: the first of 4 spams sent to me today for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA) ‘journals’, all using google emailing lists that were recently used to advertise ‘journals’ from ‘International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional Research (IJMR)’ (see #91 etc). So, it looks like IJMRA and IJMR are are same outfit. See also #79 etc. Complaint sent to google. |
105 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
106 | Date: 2017 Mar 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Current Research on Photometric Systems
and Resolution (CRPSR-2017)
Subject area: photonics website: |
Organiser: St Peters College, Hyderabad/Siva Ganesh
Location: India |
Comments: the first spam of this year for a ‘conference’ hosted by St Peters College, Hyderabad. I got many spams last year for ‘conferences’ at this College. The domain where the email is sent from, and the website domain, are both registered to Siva Ganesh Malla, who also has sent me spam for ‘journals’, #24. Complaint sent to google. |
107 | Date: 2017 Mar 24 | From:
Via: |
108 | Date: 2017 Mar 25 | From:
Via: |
109 | Date: 2017 Mar 25 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Electrical,
Electronics and Computers (EEC Journal), International Journal
of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science (IJCMES),
Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB)
Subject area: various website:,, |
Publisher: Infogain Publication
Location: India |
Comments: a set of three spams pushing 3 ‘journals’ from Infogain Publication (see also #6, #7. All these websites list ORCID and/or ResearcherID identifiers (at least one in the name of ‘Sonal Gandhi’)… these IDs are for individual researchers, not for journals. Also, these ‘publishers’ seem to have had problems with cut and paste when constructing their ‘journal’ websites, as the one for ‘International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers’ says: ‘We publish papers on a variety of topics, contexts and analysis strategies that examine the quickly evolving relationship between Agriculture and knowledge technology.’which is copied from the ‘Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology’. Complaints sent to quadranet, where the spams came from. |
110 | Date: 2017 Mar 25 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE);
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE);
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science (IOSR-JPBS);
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS);
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE);
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE);
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS);
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS);
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP);
IOSR Journal on Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA);
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE);
IOSR Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering (IOSR-JPTE);
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS);
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME);
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG);
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology;
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM);
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM);
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP);
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC);
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF);
IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Organization of Scientific
Research (IOSR)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from IOSR see also #11 etc. Another complaint sent to google. |
111 | Date: 2017 Mar 29 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Conference on
Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another invitation for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series. As usual, they invite me to be a speaker on on a topic I have no expertise in at all. This spam email says this ‘conference’ has a theme, which is (with their quotation marks): ‘An exemplary conglomerate to savor the research in Materials Science and Nanotechnology’whatever the heck that means. See also #20, and many others from these spammers. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
112 | Date: 2017 Apr 1 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Physics International
Subject area: physics website: |
Publisher: Science Publications
Location: United Arab Emirates(?)/USA(?) |
Comments: first spam from this publisher. Their website says they were first incorporated in New York State (USA), but the contact webpage gives an address in the United Arab Emirates, so it is not clear to me where they are actually based. No only does this spam want me to submit an article to this ‘journal’, but also says they are seeking people to join as an editor. This is despite the fact that their website already lists 27 -- yes 27! -- members of the Editorial Board, in addition to an Editor in Chief, and one Regional Editor. One of the members of the Editorial Board is listed with: ‘Expertise: Gypsy/Travellers, Marginalised Groups, Seldom Heard Voices, Widening Participation, Diversity, Humanising Care, Phenomenology, Qualitative Research, Nurse Education, Nursing.’I know physics covers a wide range of topics, but this is ridiculous. Also, the website shows this journal has not been very active/successful, with the 5 most recent papers published on 2016 Nov 20, Apr 15, 2015 Nov, Oct 27 and Sep 22. Bizarrely the oldest of these is entitled ‘The Step of Kouros’, with an abstract of which starts with ‘The step of Kouros symbolizes a historical period of the Hellenic civilization, designating the decisive step of this civilization towards its geographical, social, cultural and noospheric expansion.’What this has to do with physics I have no idea! See also #158 for subsequent spam from this publisher, for a different ‘journal’. Complaint sent to UnifiedLayer. |
113 | Date: 2017 Apr 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2017 International Conference on Advanced
Materials Science and Civil Engineering (AMSCE)
Subject area: materials/engineering website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: it is not clear who is organising this meeting, but as the website is registered in China and the telephone contact numbers on the website are in China and Hong Kong, then I assume they are based in China. Subsequently I get another spam for a different conference, apparently organised by the same people, see #135. Complaint sent to |
114 | Date: 2017 Apr 5 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 26th International Conference on
Metallurgy and Materials
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Tanger Ltd
Location: Czech Republic |
Comments: another spam from the same people who spammed me a month ago, see #76. Complaint sent to Czech ISP where the spam came from, not that my previous complaint had any effect. |
115 | Date: 2017 Apr 6 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Congress on Image and
Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
(CISP-BMEI 2017)
Subject area: biomedical website: |
Organiser: East China Normal University
Location: China |
Comments: a second spam this year from these spammers (see also #59). Another complaint sent to |
116 | Date: 2017 Apr 7 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Physical Science & Biophysics Journal (PSBJ)
Subject area: physical science website: |
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Location: USA |
Comments: another spam from Medwin Publishers, a second on for this particular journal (see #85). Another complaint sent to Inmotionhosting. |
117 | Date: 2017 Apr 9 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2017 2nd International Conference on
Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (CAAI2017)
Subject area: control website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: a bizarre spam advertising a ‘conference’, which does not actually mention the title or website of the ‘conference’ in the spam! They just call it CAAI, a search for which reveals the ‘conference’ title and its website. It is not exactly clear who is the organiser for this ‘conference’, but the website is registered in China. Complaint sent to Chinese ISP where the spam came from. |
118 | Date: 2017 Apr 12 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Education and Research Journal
Subject area: everything! website: |
Publisher: unclear
Location: India |
Comments: another spam for this ‘journal’ (see also #44). Bizarrely the spam claims that this is a ‘Journal for All Subjects’. Another complaint sent to |
119 | Date: 2017 Apr 13 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Advances in Astrophysics
Subject area: astrophysics website: |
Publisher: Isaac Scientific Publishing
Location: Hong Kong |
Comments: another spam from this ‘journal’. See also #83. Complaint sent to, the ISP where the spam came from. |
120 | Date: 2017 Apr 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on Chemical
and Biochemical Engineering (ICCBE17)
Subject area: engineering website: and |
Organiser: ScienceKNOW Conferences
Location: Spain |
Comments: another spam from ScienceKNOW, this one for a different ‘conference’ than last time. See also #43. Complaint sent to ISP,, where the spam came from. |
121 | Date: 2017 Apr 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Recent advances
in Physics (IJRAP)
Subject area: physics website: |
Publisher: Wireilla Scientific Publications
Location: Australia |
Comments: a new ‘journal’ spammer. Complaint sent to Microsoft. On this occasion I get a prompt response that says ‘We found it violated the Microsoft Services Agreement … The account is now suspended.’ So, I will see if I get any further spams from this journal via outlook. |
122 | Date: 2017 Apr 20 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 26th International Conference on
Metallurgy and Materials
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: Tanger Ltd
Location: Czech Republic |
Comments: a third spam for this ‘conference’ see also #76 etc. Another complaint sent to Czech ISP where the spam came from, not that my previous two complaints have put a stop to this spamming. |
123 | Date: 2017 Apr 21 | From:
Via: |
124 | Date: 2017 Apr 21 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: I haven't had any spam for AARF for a while, but two spams today. See also #16 etc. This time that spams are sent via rather than Complaint sent to yahoo. |
125 | Date: 2017 Apr 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd World Congress and Expo on Graphene
& 2D Materials
Subject area: graphene website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (see also #20 and many others). This spam says ‘You are receiving this email because of your eminence in the field of Graphene & Materials.’This is complete garbage, since it is a research field I have absolutely no expertise in at all! Another complaint sent to microsoft. |
126 | Date: 2017 Apr 26 | From:
Via: |
127 | Date: 2017 Apr 26 | From:
Via: |
128 | Date: 2017 Apr 26 | From:
Via: |
129 | Date: 2017 Apr 26 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: another batch 4 spams sent to me today for IJMRA ‘journals’. See also #79 etc. Another complaint sent to google. |
130 | Date: 2017 Apr 28 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Exploring Interdisciplinary Science &
Technological Shift on Aerospace \& Aeronautical Engineering
Subject area: aerospace website: |
Organiser: Scientific Federation
Location: India |
Comments: another ‘conference’ spam from Scientific Federation (see #45, etc). Complaint sent secureserver. |
131 | Date: 2017 Apr 28 | From:
Via: |
Conference name:
Subject area: 5th Annual 2017 International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence [GSKI2017] website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: it is not exactly clear who is organising this conference, but the contact page on the website gives a Chinese telephone number, so I assume they are in China. Try to send a complaint to the Chinese ISP from where the spam was sent, but failed. The abuse email contact listed at APNIC fails, as it is over quota. |
132 | Date: 2017 Apr 28 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 5th Annual International Conference on
Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE2017)
Subject area: materials and engineering website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: again it is not exactly clear who is organising this conference, but the contact page on the website gives a Chinese telephone number, so I assume they are in China. The spam email gives an obfuscated version of the ‘conference’ website (using ‘(dot)’ and saying please ‘replace (dot) with .’, presumably to try to avoid anti-spam filters by not clearly giving the website address!). This is a 3 day conference, which is only actually 2 days, as according to the schedule, the first day is only for registration. The second day has less than 6 hours of keynote speeches and oral presentations, and the third day is for posters. They say the oral presentations are 10+5 min, so that is 24 talks at most on the second day. Not a lot. Yet, the ‘Technical Program Committee’ for the conference has a ridiculous 96 members! See also #165. Complaint sent to the Chinese ISP from where the spam was sent. |
133 | Date: 2017 May 1 | From:
Via: |
134 | Date: 2017 May 1 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Physics and Astronomy (IJPA)
Subject area: physics and astronomy website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: two spams today for this ‘journal’. See also #12 etc. Complaint sent to yahoo. |
135 | Date: 2017 May 2 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2017 International Conference on Electronics,
Communications and Network Engineering (ECNE2017)
Subject area: engineering website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: yet another spam for a ‘conference’. The contact page on the website doesn't really say who the organisers are, but as the first telephone number give is Chinese (the other is Hong Kong), I assume they are based in China. The telephone numbers for this ‘conference’ (the Chinese one is +86-13407123446) are the same as for a previous, different ‘conference’, see #113. Complaint sent to |
136 | Date: 2017 May 3 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: European Advanced Materials Congress
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: International Association of Advanced
Materials (IAAM)/VBRI Press AB
Location: Sweden |
Comments: another new spammer, inviting me to a ‘congress’ on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in at all. These spammers appear to have problems with basic numeracy and expressing themselves. The ‘Association’ website ( has a page on ‘Regional Chapters’, which says ‘Joining our one of following five Regional Chapters of IAAM throughout the globe ensures easy access and close-to-your city educational, and entrepreneur research networking opportunities.’and then goes on to list just 3, not 5, regional chapters! Also, it is rather strange that these organisers do not use their domain, or that of the ‘congress’ website, for their emails, but use yahoo. See also #182. Complaint sent to yahoo. |
137 | Date: 2017 May 4 | From:
Via: |
138 | Date: 2017 May 4 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: another pair of spams sent to me today for IJMRA ‘journals’. See also #79 etc. Another complaint sent to google, not that my previous dozen or so complaints have put a stop to this persistent spamming via google from various addresses. |
139 | Date: 2017 May 5 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Global Journal of Nanomedicine (GJN)
Subject area: medicine website: |
Publisher: Juniper Publishing
Location: USA (?) |
Comments: I think this is the first spam I've had from this ‘journal’ spammer. It is bizarre and incoherent, e.g. ‘Your time is my preference to confer about our Journal's concern.I think this is an invitation to be on the Editorial Board for this ‘journal’, which is on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in at all. As it is, the website lists 18 Editors and about 20 Associate Editors already for this ‘journal’… this number of Editors/Associate Editors is larger than the number of papers that have been published in this ‘journal’! The publisher's website lists a US postal address, but others have noted that in 2015 they had two postal addresses, one a US mail forwarding address, and the other in Dubai. So whether they are actually based in the USA is not clear to me. The publisher's website also has the amazing statement that: ‘Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe.’Wow! Throughout the Universe! Complaint sent to, the ISP from where this spam was sent. |
140 | Date: 2017 May 6 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Congress on Image and
Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
(CISP-BMEI 2017)
Subject area: biomedical website: |
Organiser: East China Normal University
Location: China |
Comments: another spam for this conference. See also #59 etc. Another complaint sent to |
141 | Date: 2017 May 7 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Asian Journal of Applied Science and
Subject area: science and technology website: |
Publisher: Dr S.R. Boselin Prabhu
Location: India |
Comments: another new ‘journal’ sending me spam. They invite me (and others no doubt, since I was sent Bcc:) to be on the Editorial Board of this ‘journal’. Yet the ‘journal’ website already lists a remarkable 69 members of the Editorial Board (in addition to the Editor in Chief, Dr S.R. Boselin Prabhu, who seems to be responsible for this ‘journal’ and the spam). Complaint sent to |
142 | Date: 2017 May 9 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 1st Annual Conference of Quantum
World (CQW-2017)
Subject area: quantum science website: |
Organiser: BIT Congress Inc. (BIT Group Global Ltd)
Location: China |
Comments: yet another invitation to attend a ‘conference’ on a topic I have no expertise in. They ask me to give a talk in ‘Forum 302: Molecular Dynamics’, on one of my areas of research (copied from the title of one of my publications) … which has absolutely nothing to do with Molecular Dynamics! Also, this is despite the fact that on the website there is a scientific schedule, which includes a 4 hour session for ‘Forum 302: Molecular Dynamics’ – 08:30 to 12:35 without a break! – with no vacant slots. Complaint sent to Chinese ISP where the spam was sent from. |
143 | Date: 2017 May 9 | From:
Via: |
144 | Date: 2017 May 9 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Journal of Physics & Astronomy
Subject area: physics and astronomy website: |
Publisher: Trade Science Inc
Location: India |
Comments: a pair of spams from new ‘journal’ spammer. Their website give both UK and Indian postal addresses. The former address seems to be a forwarding address, but I think they are based in India. Half of the 24 ‘journals’ listed on their website are entitled ‘… An Indian Journal’, plus the publication fees are given in Indian Rupees for ‘Indian Authors’ and US Dollars for ‘Foreign Authors’. They do seem rather desperate to get material for this ‘journal’, as the spam says, incoherently ‘We would be great if you can submit the Research, Review, Case reports, Short communication, Editorial, perspective, Image (or any kind of article) for our journal as it is required for our regular issue.’ On the website, the Editorial Board is listed with 52 members! The archive for this ‘journal’ has Volume 4 for 2016, with 10 papers … in 4 issues. Curiously Volume 2 appears to have 3 Issues, numbers 1, 3 and 4, with no Issue 2? Also, the .pdfs of earlier papers have the imprint of ‘Mehtapress’ (with website, not Trade Science Inc. Also, the aims and objectives for this ‘journal’ give a comma separate list of subjects included, including ‘Extragalactic astronomy Stellar astronom’! Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
145 | Date: 2017 May 13 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Environmental Science and Sustainable
Subject area: environment website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: another spam for a ‘conference’ in China on a topic I have not expertise in at all. It is not clear who is organising this, but since they give only a Chinese telephone number as a contact, then I assume it is China. This website lists 72 members of the Technical Programme Committee for this ‘conference’, in addition to a Chair and several Co-Chairs and Editors. All this for a 3-day conference, which is actually only about 1 and half days: the first day is for registration and check-in; the second day has 7 hours of sessions between 9:00 to 18:00 (plus a long lunch); and the third day has sessions 9:00 to 12:00 only (with a ‘Discussion’ from 14:00 … until when is not specified!). So, that is 72+ people to organise the mere 10 hours of sessions… does not look like a serious academic conference to me! Complaint sent to Chinese ISP from where the spam was sent. |
146 | Date: 2017 May 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: From Quiescence to Outburst: when
Microquasars go Wild
Subject area: astronomy website: |
Location: France |
Comments: unsolicited spam from another conference. Complaint sent to |
147 | Date: 2017 May 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: The 2017 International Conference on
Economics, Statistics, Management Science (ESMS2017)
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: yet another spam from China for an ‘conference’. It is not at all convincing to me that this is a serious academic ‘conference’. It is scheduled for 2 days, but according to the website the first day is for registration, with just over 5 hours of ‘oral sessions’! Previously I'd got a spam for a total different conference, which has the same Chinese contact telephone number (+86-15072334473) on its webpage, see #82. Complaint sent to I also note that there is a webpage with a
from someone who had been listed as one of the ‘General Chairs’
for this conference, without their permission. This disclaimer
pages goes on to say ‘… suspect that the aforesaid conference
is a fraud’.
148 | Date: 2017 May 15 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Chemical Sciences Journal
Subject area: chemistry website: |
Publisher: OMICS
Location: India |
Comments: I've had many ‘conference’ spams from OMICS this year (see #20) etc.), but this is the first ‘journal’ spam from them. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
149 | Date: 2017 May 18 | From:
Via: |
150 | Date: 2017 May 18 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Medicine and
Subject area: medicine and pharmacy website: |
Publisher: American Research Institute for Policy
Development (ARIPD)
Location: Bangladesh |
Comments: yet another pair of spams for this ARIPD ‘journal’ (see #74). Complaint sent to yahoo. |
151 | Date: 2017 May 18 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Natural and Health Science
Conference (INHSC 2017)
Subject area: science website: |
Organiser: International Engineering, Science and
Education Group (INESEG)
Location: Turkey |
Comments: a new ‘conference’ spammer. See also #179. Complaint sent to Turkish ISP from where the spam was sent. |
152 | Date: 2017 May 18 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 35th AIAA ICSSC (International
Communications Satellite Systems Conference)
Subject area: satellites website:, |
Organiser: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA)
Location: USA |
Comments: it is depressing that an UK academic sends me an unsolicited spam for this conference, on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in. The spam is addressed to me personally and says: ‘I believe you and your colleagues have recently worked on something interesting so I wanted to ask that you consider submitting an abstract to…’Indeed, I believe I have worked on something ‘interesting’, but nothing at all relevant to this conference. Complaint sent to UK academic network. |
153 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
154 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
155 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
156 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: it is a while since I've had any spams from these spammers (not since the 100 collateral spams), but they are back. This is another batch of four spams sent to me today… this time the spam only contains a .jpg, presumably to try to get around spam filters. See also #3 etc. Complaint sent to google. |
157 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 3rd International Conference on
High Energy Physics
Subject area: high energy physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another conference spam from Conference Series (OMICS), see also #20 and others. Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
158 | Date: 2017 May 20 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): American Journal of Space Science
Subject area: space science website: |
Publisher: Science Publications
Location: United Arab Emirates(?)/USA(?) |
Comments: another spam this publisher, but for a different journal than last time (see #112), and sent from a via a different ISP. Again, this Science Publications ‘journal’ does not appear to be very active/successful, with the 5 most recent papers published on 2016 Feb 15 (yes more than a year ago), 2015 Jul 6, Jun 15, Jun 4, 2014 Dec 6. So that is just 5 papers in the last two and half years or so! Complaint sent to smtp. |
159 | Date: 2017 May 20 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Mechanics, Materials Science &
Engineering Journal
Subject area: materials website: |
Publisher: Magnolithe GmbH
Location: Austria |
Comments: second spam this year for this ‘journal’, see also #97. Complaint sent to the Romanian ISP where the spam came from. |
160 | Date: 2017 May 21 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Advances in Astrophysics
Subject area: astrophysics website: |
Publisher: Isaac Scientific Publishing
Location: Hong Kong |
Comments: another spam from ‘Isaac Scientific Publishing’. See also #83 etc. Complaint sent to, the ISP where the spam came from. |
161 | Date: 2017 May 22 | From:
Via: |
162 | Date: 2017 May 22 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): IRA International Journal of Management
& Social Sciences (IRA-JMSS),
IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary
Studies (IRA-JEMS),
IRA-International Journal of Technology & Engineering
IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences (IRA-JAS),
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Institute of Research Advances (IRA Press)
Location: India |
Comments: another pair of spams from a new ‘journal’ spammer. The spam is from a nameless ‘Managing Editor’. The website is not informative about where this ‘Institute’ is actually based, nor does it gives any named officials of the ‘Institute’. But the website does give an Indian postal address. Complaint sent to google. |
163 | Date: 2017 May 23 | From:
Via: |
164 | Date: 2017 May 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Conference on Soft
Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2017)
Subject area: computing website: |
Organiser: Soft Computing Research Society
Location: India |
Comments: two spams today from these spammers. Complaint sent to google. |
165 | Date: 2017 May 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 5th Annual International Conference on
Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE2017)
Subject area: materials and engineering website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: another spam for this ‘conference’. See also #132. Complaint sent to the Chinese ISP from where the spam was sent, but this bounces, as the account is over quota. |
166 | Date: 2017 May 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Cleanroom Management Summit 2017
Subject area: cleanrooms website: |
Organiser: The Whitmore Group/Active Communications International
Location: USA/UK/Poland/India |
Comments: a spam for a ‘summit’ from some geographically challenged spammers. The spam gives their address as ‘London, SE1 0NS United States’whereas they mean ‘Kingdom’ not ‘States’! Complaint sent to, from where the spam was sent. |
167 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 3rd Global Congress & Expo on Materials
Science & Engineering
Subject area: materials, engineering website: |
Organiser: Scientific Federation
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from ‘Scientific Federation’, see also #45. Another complaint sent to secureserve. |
168 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
169 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
170 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
171 | Date: 2017 May 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: another week, another batch of four spams from IJMRA. See also #3 etc. Yet another complaint sent to google. |
172 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
173 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE),
International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT),
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS),
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS),
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM),
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJRMBS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA), in association with Green Earth
Research Network
Location: India |
Comments: another pair of spams sent to me today for IJMRA ‘journals’, in addition to the previous 4 (see 168--172) sent today. Another complaint sent to google. |
174 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 13th International Conference and
Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering
Subject area: material, engineering website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 etc. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
175 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From: nanotek@conferenceseries.NET
Via: |
176 | Date: 2017 May 26 | From: nanotek@conferenceseries.NET
Via: |
Conference names: 19th International Conference on
Nanotechnology and Expo
Subject area: nanotechnology website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: two more spams today for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 etc. But unlike the earlier spam in the day from Conference series (#174), these two are not via, but from So, complaint sent to, the Indian ISP that hosts However, this complaint bounces, as email to their abuse contact,, that is listed at APNIC fails… as the mailbox is full. Poor ‘support’ from! |
177 | Date: 2017 May 29 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal of Advanced
Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS),
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and
Biotechnology (IJEAB)
Subject area: various website:, |
Publisher: Infogain Publication
Location: India |
Comments: similar #6, #7. Again this spam, and the websites associate these Infogain Publication ‘journal’s with a ResearcherIDs, which are for individuals, not journals. Complaint sent to secureserver. |
178 | Date: 2017 May 29 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Workshop on Theoretical
and Applied Physics
Subject area: physics website: |
Organiser: Scientific Cooperations
Location: Turkey |
Comments: a new ‘conference’ spammer for me, advertising a 2-day ‘conference’ (or rather ‘workshop’). The website is rather confused, as the top banner on the webpages is for a workshop ‘… on Mathematics and Statistics’, not ‘… on Theoretical and Applied Physics’. Indeed, there is another 2-day ‘conference’ ‘… on Mathematics and Statistics’ organised by Scientific Cooperations, but they appear to have cut and pasted the websites without noticing the banner is wrong! Both conferences are at the same venue, for the same dates… as are others from Scientific Cooperations (‘… on Chemistry’, ‘… on Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioinformatics’). The webpages for this ‘conference’ says selected papers will be published in the ‘Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics’, which is published by Scientific Cooperations. It is not clear from its website that this ‘journal’ has published anything. The archive lists issues from volume 4, in 2018(!), but entries for these issues are ‘Author Nameand the entries on the Editorial Board are all listed as ‘Prof. Name Surname Not at all convincing to that Scientific Cooperations' ‘conference’s or ‘journal’s are serious academic endeavours. Complaint sent to websitewelcome, from where the spam was sent. |
179 | Date: 2017 May 30 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: International Natural and Health Science
Conference (INHSC 2017)
Subject area: science website: |
Organiser: International Engineering, Science and
Education Group (INESEG)
Location: Turkey |
Comments: another spam from INESEG. See also #151. Complaint sent to the Turkish ISP from where the spam was sent. |
180 | Date: 2017 May 31 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 1st Annual Conference of Quantum
World (CQW-2017)
Subject area: quantum science website: |
Organiser: BIT Congress Inc. (BIT Group Global Ltd)
Location: China |
Comments: another invitation to attend this ‘conference’ which is on a topic I have no expertise in. See also #142. Complaint sent to amazon, from where this spam was sent. |
181 | Date: 2017 May 31 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from AARF. See also #16 etc. Another complaint sent to yahoo, not that my previous complaints to them have put a stop to spam from AARF via yahoo. |
182 | Date: 2017 Jun 5 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Advanced Materials World Congress (AMWC)
Subject area: materials website: |
Organiser: International Association of Advanced
Materials (IAAM)/VBRI Press AB
Location: Sweden |
Comments: another spam for a ‘conference’ arranged by IAAM/VBRI press, on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in. See also #136. Complaint sent to yahoo. |
183 | Date: 2017 Jun 6 | From:
Via: |
184 | Date: 2017 Jun 6 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): International Journal in Management and
Social Science (IJMSS),
International Journal in IT and Engineering (IJITE),
International Journal in Physical & Applied Sciences (IJPAS),
International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences (IJCISS),
International Research Journal of Commerce and Law (IRJCL),
Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics (IJMI),
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences (IJMBS),
International Journal of research in IT and Management,
International Journal of research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Journal of Mathematics and Systems Sciences
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional
Research (IJMR)
Location India |
Comments: a pair of spams from IJMR (but this time not via, see 91). Really, it is not at all convincing that IJMR publish serious academic journals. The spams quote a ‘Thomson Reuters Researcher ID’ for their ‘journal’s, whereas ResearcherIDs are for individuals. And the Editorial Boards are ridiculous! For the ‘International Journal In Management & Social Science’, there are 178 – yes, 178! – names listed (although this number is inflated by the fact that several names are duplicated!). Complaint sent to google. |
185 | Date: 2017 Jun 6 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 10th International Congress on Image and
Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
(CISP-BMEI 2017)
Subject area: biomedical website: |
Organiser: East China Normal University
Location: China |
Comments: another spam for this ‘conference’. See also #59 etc. Another complaint sent to |
186 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
187 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
188 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
189 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
190 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
191 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,
International Journal of Marketing and Management Research,
Econspeak: A Journal of Advances In Management IT & Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research In Medical and Basic Sciences,
Journal on Banking Financial Services & Insurance Research,
Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Sri Krishna International Research and
Educational Consortium (SKIREC) via a Green Earth Research Network (GERN) email Location: India |
Comments: another batch of 6 spams from email lists, this time advertising SKIREC ‘journals’ (see also #3). Yet another complaint sent to google. |
192 | Date: 2017 Jun 9 | From:
Via: |
193 | Date: 2017 Jun 9 | From:
Via: |
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Dr Stephen Silveira/ACE Publications
Location: India |
Comments: a shouty spam (mostly in CAPITALS) from a ‘journal’ spammer that is new to me. The website says ‘Launch of Next Issue:Really? Elsewhere on the website they say they have ‘rigorous peer review’ … but in only 3 days? Not convincing at all to me! Complaint sent to, the ISP from where the spam was sent. |
194 | Date: 2017 Jun 9 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from AARF, which still says ‘Notification to Authors (Acceptance/ Rejection): within 3 days of manuscript submission’. This is not consistent with serious peer review. See also #16 etc. Complaint sent to google. |
195 | Date: 2017 Jun 12 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: The 2017 International Conference on
Economics, Statistics, Management Science (ESMS2017)
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: another spam from China this conference. Another complaint sent to |
196 | Date: 2017 Jun 13 | From:
Via: |
Conference names: 2nd International Conference on Physics
Subject area: Physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam for this Conference Series (OMICS) ‘conference’. The spam does not actually give the URL for the conference, but uses to redirect. This ‘conference’ is 3 days, covering many diverse and unconnected areas of physics, with no focus at all. See also #20 and others. Another complaint sent to Microsoft. |
197 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
198 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
199 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
200 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
201 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
202 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences,
International Journal of Research in IT and Management,
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing,
International Journal of Research in Commerce and Law
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Social Science
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Euro Asia Research and Development Association
(EARDA) via a Green Earth Research Network (GERN) email Location: India |
Comments: another batch of 6 spams from this time advertising EARDA ‘journals’ (see also #79), rather than SKIREC or IJMRA ‘journals’ (see #3 etc). The website quotes a ‘Thomsonn Reuters Researcher ID’ (sic), which makes no sense, as ResearcherIDs are for individuals, not journals/publishers. It states that ‘All research work goes through a rigorous editorial process and review’. But it also says ‘The review period varies from a day to a week’, which is not consistent with serious review. Yet another complaint sent to google. |
203 | Date: 2017 Jun 14 | From:
Via: |
204 | Date: 2017 Jun 14 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 19th International Conference on
Nanotechnology and Expo
Subject area: nano website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet more spams for a ‘conference’ organised by Conference Series (OMICS). See also #20 etc. Send from different addresses, one via and one via outlook (Microsoft). More complaints sent to's ISP and to Microsoft. |
205 | Date: 2017 Jun 14 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s): Journal of Astrobiology & Outreach
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: OMICS International
Location: India |
Comments: I had many spams from this ‘journal’ last year, but this is the first of this year from them. Here OMICS are using the domain to send the spam, and to host the ‘journal’. Complaint sent to Microsoft. |
206 | Date: 2017 Jun 15 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: SGEM Vienna Green 2017
Subject area: not clear website: |
Organiser: SGEM World Science
Location: Austria |
Comments: yet another spam for a ‘conference’, this one apparently organised by ‘SGEM World Science’. Previous spam from them (see #78) was for a website giving an address in Bulgaria, whereas this one has an address in Austria. But as both conferences have almost the same ‘Advisory Committee’, I think they are the same spammers. Complaints sent to smtp2go. |
207 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
208 | Date: 2017 Jun 8 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Engineering, Science and
Mathematics (IJESM)
Subject area: engineering, science and maths! website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA) via a Green Earth Research Network (GERN) email Location: India |
Comments: today just 2 spams from mailing lists, rather than the usual 6 copies (see also #3 etc). This time for one particular IJMRA ‘journal’, which is totally unfocussed, since it is seemingly for all of science, engineering and mathematics. This spam uses a different website than previously for the ‘journal’, which is still listed at … and also at These spam emails are soliciting new members of their editorial board. How many people on their google group email list these spams were sent to I don't know. ‘It would be a matter of great honour for us to include the name of a person of your stature in our panel of “editors for IJESM.” In this connection, you are requested to give your kind consent for the same and encourage to your friends with respect to subject area of new Journals.’What the last part of the last sentence means I have no idea! Another complaint sent to google. |
209 | Date: 2017 Jun 19 | From:
Via: |
210 | Date: 2017 Jun 19 | From:
Via: |
211 | Date: 2017 Jun 19 | From:
Via: |
212 | Date: 2017 Jun 19 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,
Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management,
International Journal of Business Economics and MGT Research,
International Journal of Marketing and Management Research,
International Journal on Banking Financial Services & Insurance
ECONSPEAK: A Journal of Advances in MGT IT & Social
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: International Journals of Multidisciplinary
Research Academy (IJMRA)
and Sri Krishna International Research and
Educational Consortium (SKIREC) via a Green Earth Research Network (GERN) email Location: India |
Comments: another day, and 4 more spams (see also #3 etc). The spam is bizarrely written. It gives one ‘journal’ (IJESM), and its website, then lists other ‘journal’s that have been advertised previously in spams from IJMRA … but with no websites given for them! The IJESM website has a contact address of ‘IJMRA publication IJESM’ and these spams say ‘We “IJESM and SKIREC” inviting Quality Research Manuscripts to publish in July-2017’, so I have listed both IJMRA and SKIREC as the publishers. Yet another complaint sent to google. |
213 | Date: 2017 Jun 22 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from AARF. See also #16 etc. Yet another complaint sent to yahoo. |
214 | Date: 2017 Jun 22 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 1st Annual Conference of Quantum
World (CQW-2017)
Subject area: quantum science website: |
Organiser: BIT Congress Inc. (BIT Group Global Ltd)
Location: China |
Comments: yet another invitation to attend this ‘conference’, which is on a topic I have no expertise in. See also #142 etc. Complaint sent to Chinese ISP where the spam was sent from. |
215 | Date: 2017 Jun 23 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 4th International Conference on Systems
and Informatics (ICSAI 2017)
Subject area: systems/informatics website: |
Organiser: Shanghai Dian Ji University
Location: China |
Comments: yet another ‘conference’ on a topic I have absolutely no expertise in at all. Complaint sent to |
216 | Date: 2017 Jun 24 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd World Congress and Expo on
Graphene & 2D Materials
Subject area: graphene/materials website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from Conference Series (OMICS). The spam says ‘You are receiving this email because of your eminence in the field of Graphene & Materials’, which is complete rubbish, as I have absolutely no expertise or ‘eminence’ in these areas at all. See also #20 etc. Another complaint sent to Microsoft, not that previous complaints to them have put a stop to the illegal spamming from Conference Series via |
217 | Date: 2017 Jun 25 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2017 International Conference on Power,
Mechanics and Material Science
Subject area: various website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: another spam for another 2-day ‘conference’ in China on a topic I have no expertise in at all. Actually it is not a 2-day ‘conference’, as according to the schedule on the website the first day is for registration only! Yet the website lists a ‘Technical Program Committee’ with 47 members! It is not clear who the organisers are, since the contact page on the website does not give any name/organisation, but does give Chinese and Hong Kong telephone numbers. Complaint sent to |
218 | Date: 2017 Jun 25 | From:
Via: |
Journal name(s):
GE International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR);
GE International Journal of Engineering Research (GE-IJER);
International Research Journal of Human Resources & Social Sciences (IRJHRSS);
International Research Journal of Management & Commerce (IRJMC);
International Research Journal of Marketing & Economics (IRJME);
International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & IT (IRJMEIT);
International Research Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
International Research Journal of Humanities, Languages & Literature (IRJHLL)
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering & Social Sciences (IJRCIESS)
Subject area: various website: |
Publisher: Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
Location: India |
Comments: another spam from AARF. See also #16 etc. Another complaint sent to yahoo. |
219 | Date: 2017 Jun 26 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: Materials Engineering and Industrial
Subject area: engineering website: |
Organiser: unclear
Location: China |
Comments: yet another unconvincing ‘conference’ organised out of China. Neither the spam nor the website actually say who the organisers are, but the website gives a Chinese telephone number, which was used for a previous ‘conference’, see #36. This is a 2-day ‘conference’, which is actually only 1-day, as the first day is for registration only. The spam incoherently says ‘International Conference on this field in the production and life of people gradually plays an important role in the convening of this meeting, can strengthen the field between existing exchanges, further promote the early realization of research result.’ Complaint sent to Chinese ISP from where the spam was sent. |
220 | Date: 2017 Jun 29 | From: atomicphysics@conferenceseries.NET
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on Atomic
and Nuclear Physics
Subject area: physics website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: yet another spam from Conference Series (OMICS), for a topic I have absolutely no expertise in. See also #20 etc. I cannot send a complaint to the India ISP from where the spam was sent (Airtel), as the abuse email contact given on APNIC fails, as the email account is over quota. |
221 | Date: 2017 Jun 30 | From:
Via: |
Conference name: 2nd World Congress and Expo on
Graphene & 2D Materials
Subject area: graphene/materials website: |
Organiser: Conference Series (OMICS)
Location: India |
Comments: another for this ‘conference’. The spam says ‘… you are one of the best researchers in the field of Graphene Nano …’which is complete rubbish, as I have no interest or expertise at all in this topic. See also #20 etc. Yet another complaint sent to Microsoft. |