Note: this is an
archived version which has been superseded. The current SNR
catalogue is at
- Right Ascension: 18 27 00
- Declination: -13 00
- Size (arcmin): 33
- Type: C?
- Flux density at 1 GHz (Jy): 37
- Spectral Index: varies
Notes: Has been called G18.95-1.1 and G18.94-1.04.
- Radio: Non-thermal, diffuse partially limb-brightened, with central ridge.
- X-ray: Partial shell.
- Fürst et al. 1985, Nat, 314, 720. Effelsberg 100-m at 4.75 GHz (2'.4: S=23.8), plus other flux densities.
- Odegard 1986, AJ, 92, 1372. TPT at 57.5 MHz (7'.2×8': S=82±15), plus review of flux densities.
- Barnes & Turtle 1988, in SNRISM, p347. Molonglo at 408 MHz (2'.9×3'.1: S=58±9) and
Parkes 64-m at 5 GHz (4'.4×4'.1: S=23±6).
- Patnaik et al. 1988, Nat, 332, 136. OSRT at 327 MHz (0'.6×1'.6).
- Fürst et al. 1989, A&A, 209, 361. Effelsberg 100-m at 4.75 GHz (2'.45: S=23.8) and VLA at 1.5 and
4.9 GHz (19"×14"), and Effelsberg 100-m at 1.4 GHz (9') for HI.
- Aschenbach et al. 1991, A&A, 246, L32. ROSAT observations.
Last updated: 19th May 1992
Dave Green/MRAO, Cambridge, UK/