Note: this is an
archived version which has been superseded. The current SNR
catalogue is at
(MSH 11-62)
- Right Ascension: 11 11 54
- Declination: -60 38
- Size (/arcmin): 15×13
- Type: C
- Flux density at 1 GHz (/Jy): 16
- Spectral Index: 0.29
- Radio: Centrally brightened core, with surrounding arcs.
- X-ray: Centrally brightened.
- Point sources: Central compact X-ray source.
- Shaver & Goss 1970, AuJPA, 14, 133. Molonglo at 408 MHz (3') and Parkes 64-m at 5 GHz (4').
- Roger et al. 1986, MNRAS, 219, 815. MOST at 843 MHz (43"×50": S=17.2±1.0 Jy), and Parkes 64-m at 5 and
8.4 GHz (4'.6 and 3': S=10.4±0.4 Jy and 9'.1±0.2), with polarization.
- Wilson 1986, ApJ, 302, 718. Einstein observations.
- Whiteoak & Green 1996, A&AS, 118, 329. MOST at 843 MHz (43"×49": S=12.7 Jy).
- Harrus et al. 1998, ApJ, 499, 273. ASCA observations.
Last updated: 13 Aug 1998
Dave Green/MRAO, Cambridge, UK/