Note: this is an
archived version which has been superseded. The current SNR
catalogue is at
(CTB 33)
- Right Ascension: 16 35 57
- Declination: -47 36
- Size (/arcmin): 1.5
- Type: S
- Flux density at 1 GHz (/Jy): 1.5
- Spectral Index: 0.6?
Notes: This entry refers to a small (1'.5) SNR, not the larger previously catalogued G337.0-0.1.
- Radio: Shell, in a complex region.
- Distance: Assocition with CTB 33 gives 11 kpc.
- Point sources: Associated with a soft gamma repeater.
- Shaver & Goss 1970, AuJPA, 14, 133. Molonglo at 408 MHz (3') and Parkes 64-m at 5 GHz (4').
- Whiteoak & Green 1996, A&AS, 118, 329. MOST at 843 MHz (43"×58": S=21 Jy).
- Frail et al. 1996, AJ, 111, 1651. OH emission near remnant, including masers.
- Sarma et al. 1997, ApJ, 483, 335. ATCA at 1.4 GHz (12") including HI, and 8.9 GHz (13"×15") for recomination
lines, clarifying extent of the remnant.
- Woods et al. 1999, ApJ, 519, L139. Soft gamma repeater observations.
- Hurley et al. 2000, ApJ, 528, L21. ASCA observations of soft gamma repeater.
- Brogan et al. 2000, ApJ, 537, 875. VLA at 1.7 GHz for OH Zeeman splitting.
Last updated: 17 Oct 2001
Dave Green/MRAO, Cambridge, UK/