G263.9−3.3 ADS: search title/keyword/abstract or fulltext

Vela (XYZ) ADS: search title/keyword/abstract or fulltext

Notes: This refers to the whole Vela XYZ complex, of which X has at times been classified as a separate (filled-centre) remnant. This remnant is overlapped by G260.4−3.4 and G266.2−1.2.

Radio: Large shell, with flatter spectrum component (Vela X), and pulsar nebula.
Optical: Filaments.
X-ray: Patchy shell, with extensions, central nebula and pulsar.
Point sources: Pulsar within Vela X, with one-sided ‘jet’.
Distance: Vela pulsar parallax gives 0.3 kpc, optical spectra and HI studies suggest 0.25 kpc.


Last updated: 4 Jan 2024

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Dave Green / Cambridge, UK /