Galactic SNRs: Detailed Listings

There are also lists of other names used for these SNRs, and the abbreviations for journals and telescopes that are used in the detailed listings.

The listings include links to references at the Astrophysics Data System (ADS). For each remnant, hovering over the Galactic coordinate based name, or any other name, gives links for ADS title / keyword / abstract and fulltext searches.

The full detailed listings for all the SNRs, with documentation, is available as postscript or pdf for downloading and printing.

You can browse the detailed listings ordered in Galactic longitude ranges:

Or, you can pick an individual SNR from the following list: G0.0+0.0, G0.3+0.0, G0.9+0.1, G1.0−0.1, G1.4−0.1, G1.9+0.3, G3.1−0.6, G3.7−0.2, G3.8+0.3, G4.2−3.5, G4.5+6.8, G4.8+6.2, G5.2−2.6, G5.4−1.2, G5.5+0.3, G5.9+3.1, G6.1+0.5, G6.1+1.2, G6.4−0.1, G6.4+4.0, G6.5−0.4, G7.0−0.1, G7.2+0.2, G7.5−1.7, G7.7−3.7, G8.7−5.0, G8.7−0.1, G8.9+0.4, G9.7−0.0, G9.8+0.6, G9.9−0.8, G11.0−0.0, G11.1−0.7, G11.1+0.1, G11.2−0.3, G11.4−0.1, G11.8−0.2, G12.0−0.1, G12.2+0.3, G12.5+0.2, G12.7−0.0, G12.8−0.0, G13.1−0.5, G13.3−1.3, G13.5+0.2, G14.1−0.1, G15.1−1.6, G15.4+0.1, G15.5−0.1, G15.9+0.2, G16.0−0.5, G16.2−2.7, G16.7+0.1, G17.0−0.0, G17.4−2.3, G17.4−0.1, G17.8−2.6, G17.8+16.7, G18.1−0.1, G18.6−0.2, G18.8+0.3, G18.9−1.1, G19.1+0.2, G20.0−0.2, G21.0−0.4, G21.5−0.9, G21.6−0.8, G21.8−3.0, G21.8−0.6, G22.7−0.2, G23.3−0.3, G24.7−0.6, G24.7+0.6, G25.1−2.3, G27.4+0.0, G27.8+0.6, G28.3+0.2, G28.6−0.1, G28.7−0.4, G28.8+1.5, G29.3+0.1, G29.6+0.1, G29.7−0.3, G30.7−2.0, G30.7+1.0, G31.5−0.6, G31.9+0.0, G32.0−4.9, G32.1−0.9, G32.4+0.1, G32.8−0.1, G33.2−0.6, G33.6+0.1, G34.7−0.4, G35.6−0.4, G36.6−0.7, G36.6+2.6, G38.7−1.3, G39.2−0.3, G39.7−2.0, G40.5−0.5, G41.1−0.3, G41.5+0.4, G42.0−0.1, G42.8+0.6, G43.3−0.2, G43.9+1.6, G45.7−0.4, G46.8−0.3, G49.2−0.7, G53.4+0.0, G53.6−2.2, G54.1+0.3, G54.4−0.3, G55.0+0.3, G55.7+3.4, G57.2+0.8, G59.5+0.1, G63.7+1.1, G64.5+0.9, G65.1+0.6, G65.3+5.7, G65.7+1.2, G66.0−0.0, G67.6+0.9, G67.7+1.8, G67.8+0.5, G68.6−1.2, G69.0+2.7, G69.7+1.0, G70.0−21.5, G73.9+0.9, G74.0−8.5, G74.9+1.2, G76.9+1.0, G78.2+2.1, G82.2+5.3, G83.0−0.3, G84.2−0.8, G85.4+0.7, G85.9−0.6, G89.0+4.7, G93.3+6.9, G93.7−0.2, G94.0+1.0, G96.0+2.0, G106.3+2.7, G107.0+9.0, G108.2−0.6, G109.1−1.0, G111.7−2.1, G113.0+0.2, G114.3+0.3, G116.5+1.1, G116.6−26.1, G116.9+0.2, G119.5+10.2, G120.1+1.4, G126.2+1.6, G127.1+0.5, G130.7+3.1, G132.7+1.3, G150.3+4.5, G152.4−2.1, G156.2+5.7, G159.6+7.3, G160.9+2.6, G166.0+4.3, G178.2−4.2, G179.0+2.6, G180.0−1.7, G181.1+9.5, G182.4+4.3, G184.6−5.8, G189.1+3.0, G189.6+3.3, G190.9−2.2, G203.1+6.6, G205.5+0.5, G206.7+5.9, G206.9+2.3, G213.0−0.6, G249.5+24.5, G260.4−3.4, G261.9+5.5, G263.9−3.3, G266.2−1.2, G272.2−3.2, G279.0+1.1, G284.3−1.8, G286.5−1.2, G288.8−6.3, G289.7−0.3, G290.1−0.8, G291.0−0.1, G292.0+1.8, G292.2−0.5, G293.8+0.6, G294.1−0.0, G296.1−0.5, G296.5+10.0, G296.7−0.9, G296.8−0.3, G298.5−0.3, G298.6−0.0, G299.2−2.9, G299.6−0.5, G301.4−1.0, G302.3+0.7, G304.6+0.1, G306.3−0.9, G308.1−0.7, G308.4−1.4, G308.8−0.1, G309.2−0.6, G309.8+0.0, G310.6−1.6, G310.6−0.3, G310.8−0.4, G311.5−0.3, G312.4−0.4, G312.5−3.0, G315.1+2.7, G315.4−2.3, G315.4−0.3, G315.9−0.0, G316.3−0.0, G317.3−0.2, G318.2+0.1, G318.9+0.4, G320.4−1.2, G320.6−1.6, G321.9−1.1, G321.9−0.3, G322.1+0.0, G322.5−0.1, G323.5+0.1, G323.7−1.0, G326.3−1.8, G327.1−1.1, G327.2−0.1, G327.4+0.4, G327.4+1.0, G327.6+14.6, G328.4+0.2, G329.7+0.4, G330.0+15.0, G330.2+1.0, G332.0+0.2, G332.4−0.4, G332.4+0.1, G332.5−5.6, G335.2+0.1, G336.7+0.5, G337.0−0.1, G337.2−0.7, G337.2+0.1, G337.3+1.0, G337.8−0.1, G338.1+0.4, G338.3−0.0, G338.5+0.1, G340.4+0.4, G340.6+0.3, G341.2+0.9, G341.9−0.3, G342.0−0.2, G342.1+0.9, G343.0−6.0, G343.1−2.3, G343.1−0.7, G344.7−0.1, G345.1−0.2, G345.1+0.2, G345.7−0.2, G346.6−0.2, G347.3−0.5, G348.5−0.0, G348.5+0.1, G348.7+0.3, G348.8+1.1, G349.2−0.1, G349.7+0.2, G350.0−2.0, G350.1−0.3, G351.0−5.4, G351.2+0.1, G351.7+0.8, G351.9−0.9, G352.7−0.1, G353.3−1.1, G353.6−0.7, G353.9−2.0, G354.1+0.1, G354.8−0.8, G355.4+0.7, G355.6−0.0, G355.9−2.5, G356.2+4.5, G356.3−1.5, G356.3−0.3, G357.7−0.1, G357.7+0.3, G358.0+3.8, G358.1+1.0, G358.5−0.9, G359.0−0.9, G359.1−0.5, G359.1+0.9 and G359.2−1.1.

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Dave Green / Cambridge, UK /