.pdf versions of the SNR catalogue for printing

2024 October version

D. A. Green
Cavendish Laboratory
19 J. J. Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0HE
United Kingdom

The following .pdf files are available for downloading and printing.

document A4 size paper A5 size paper
(more suitable for Kindle/Tablet etc.)
‘letter’ size paper
(11 in × 8.5 in)
The documentation for the catalogue, plus the summary listings, the list of other names used for SNRs, the the abbreviations used, and the list of possible and probable SNRs. 33 pages
(194 KB)
46 pages
(204 KB)
33 pages
(193 KB)
The detailed listings for all 310 SNRs, including references. 122 pages
(436 KB)
160 pages
(532 KB)
123 pages
(438 KB)

home | documentation | detailed listings | summary listings

Dave Green / Cambridge, UK /