I thought I'd put together a set of ‘prizes’ for the all the very many ‘journal’ or ‘conference’ spams sent to me. Yes, a bit tongue in cheek. These are based on the illegal spams from the first half of 2017. Given the numbers, I stopped keeping a log of all such spams a the end of June. However, I do note below some later spams that are even more deserving of a ‘prize’.
The awards are:
This does not include ‘journal’/‘conference’ titles, as there is a separate prize for bizarre use of English in that context.
The winner is
Education and Research Journal
. From their spam:
‘The perception of the journal is to bequeath with an academic podium to researchers across the global to publish their original, innovative, pragmatic and high-quality research work’
There were several other candidates for this prize.
‘IRED membership is a LIFE membership (for 3 years from the date of issue)’
‘We are exploring the research to the world through the world-class scientists’
‘An exemplary conglomerate to savor the research in Materials Science and Nanotechnology’
‘Your time is my preference to confer about our Journal's concern’
I've excluded those with flawed geography (i.e. ‘American Journal…’ not having any obvious American connection). Of the rest, the winner is:
Other contenders included:
The winner has to be Green Earth Research
(from @gejournal.net) who have
spammed me many times for various ‘journal’
publishers, including the Sri Krishna International Research and
Educational Consortium (SKIREC), International Journals Of
Multi-Dimensional Research (IJMR) and International Journals of
Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA). Sometimes 6 in the same day!
These spammers have added my email address (or addresses, as sometimes more than one version has been used) to various of their mailing lists, on googlegroups. They have sent me directly 45 spams in six months. But, I've also had 100 collateral spams from them, when people have replied to a spam they got, complaining, or asking to be taken off the list (or complaining about people emailing everyone on the list, etc.)… as these spammers have things set up so such replies/complaints get sent to everyone on their list.
This goes to ‘Conference
(part of OMICS).
They have sent me over twenty spams for their ‘conferences’
on a wide range of topics, including:
The joint winners are (one ‘journal’, one ‘conference’):
‘Expertise: Gypsy/Travellers, Marginalised Groups, Seldom Heard Voices, Widening Participation, Diversity, Humanising Care, Phenomenology, Qualitative Research, Nurse Education, Nursing.’
However, a later spam is for a ‘journal’ that is much more deserving of the prize for the Most bizarre ‘journal’ Editorial Board. In July I get a spam for ‘Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences’. From its website this ‘journal’ has published 48 articles, but has 947 Editors, which is ridiculous. The ‘Frontiers’ website says they publish ‘59 open-access journals, more than 70,000 editors’. So having a mere 947 Editors for ‘Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences’ is below average for the number of editors for their journals! In September I get a spam for ‘International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)’ which has an Editorial Board with 685 ‘Associate Editors’!